Gear size over .105″ pins: 1.4745-1.4751″. Cam gear over .105″ pins: 2.7334-2.7344″. Made from the finest American aerospace quality tool steel. Precision machined to exact tolerances with no compromises. Note: Cam gear fitment is essential to quiet valve train operation. Too loose of a fit will result in a clicking noise. sometimes confused with lifter noise. A too tight fit will produce a whining sound and premature wear. Sizes are as follows: 961307 Orange (biggest). Repl. 24040-78. 961308 White. Repl. 24041-78. 961309 Yellow. Repl. 24042-78. 961310 Red (average). Repl. 24043-78. 961311 Blue (average). Repl. 24044-78. 961312 Green. Repl. 24045-78. 961313 Black (smallest). Repl. 24046-78.L77-89 B.T. (NU)